- How do I activate the full version of RegistryWizard™?
To activate all the features of RegistryWizard™, and enable cleaning of all the problems found, you must
register your software. Upon purchasing a registration, a License Number will be provided to you, which you enter into RegistryWizard™ in the registration form, along with your LicenseName. You do not need to download RegistryWizard™ again, the full version willbe activated upon entering in the License Number. The image below shows where to enter in the License Name and License Number.

- Who is TouchStoneSoftware.com, Inc?
For more than 20 years, TouchStoneSoftware.com, Inc. has pioneered the PC Diagnostic and computer update technology for system management software with unparalleled excellence in the PC industry. Some of the most recognized names in the PC utility market have been developed by TouchStoneSoftware.com's industry leading development team. These include: CheckIt Diagnostics, WinCheckIt, FastMove, NetOptimizer, BIOS Agent DrivePro, BIOS Wizard, VistaAgent, and PC Diag.
To learn more about TouchStoneSoftware.com, Inc., visit: TouchStoneSoftware.com.
- What is the Registry?
The Registry is a database used to store settings and options for Microsoft Windows including Windows 95, 98, ME, NT/2000, XP, and Vista. Without this information, Windows, your applications, and your computer cannot run. If data in the registry becomes contaminated, your computer might display small malfunctions or applications may fail to work properly. If the registry becomes seriously corrupted, then your computer may not run.
- Why Choose RegistryWizard™?
Search the Internet and you'll find dozens if not hundreds of registry cleaners, so why choose RegistryWizard™ over all the others? Because the registry on your computer is too important to risk on a product from an unknown company. The system registry plays a vital role to the operating system and to all of the applications running on it. Even the data that you store on your computer depends on the registry. So when you decide on a registry cleaner make sure that it is the best available and that there is a company that will stand behind it and will be there for you in the future. TouchStone Software has been in the computer software business for over 20 years and has specialized in creating advanced software technologies for both OEM‘s and consumers alike. From the largest computer manufacturers in the world down to the single end-user we care about each of our customers. TouchStone Software has been a pioneer and global leader in computer diagnostic technologies, BIOS firmware and system updating technologies. You can put your trust in TouchStone and in its products.
- How do I get updates for RegistryWizard™?
If there is an update to RegistryWizard™, you will be prompted to download the update when you start the program. The update will automatically be installed.
- What does RegistryWizard™ do?
RegistryWizard™ is your all-in-one tool for correcting errors in your registry thatwill help optimize and stabilize the performance of your computer. RegistryWizard™ offers full restore points after every scan enabling you to revert to a previous restore point should corruption of the registry occur. Included with all the diverse data in your registry are variables that control how quickly certain operations occur in your computer and in which order they occur. RegistryWizard™ is able to examine these variables and adjust them to ensure the best performance.
- I'm having a problem with my computer, is RegistryWizard™ going to fix it?
Modern computers are very complex pieces of equipment that can run into different issues.
Without knowing the exact details of the problem that you are having, and if they are registry
related or not, we cannot answer whether RegistryWizard™ will fix your problem.
However, should you purchase RegistryWizard™ and it does not fix your problem or
you are not completely satisfied, we offer a full 30 day money back guarantee on RegistryWizard™.
We also make a backup of your original registry before any changes are made so that you have the
option to restore the registry back to its original state.
- Can RegistryWizard™ be installed on multiple computers?
For the answer to this question please refer to our End User License Agreement (EULA).
- What browsers are supported by Registry Wizard™?
Registry Wizard now offers enhanced browser support. Registry Wizard supports Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera.
- How often should I clean the Registry?
Run RegistryWizard™ every week to keep your Windows Registry free from errors and to keep your computer running smoothly.
- Does RegistryWizard™ back up my current registry?
Yes. RegistryWizard™ performs an automatic backup of your system registry. After running the scan on your system, click REPAIR. The backup is performed automatically at this point immediately before the repair is executed.
- How do I restore the Registry?
When RegistryWizard™ scans and cleans your registry, it may remove certain broken or non-functional entries. When these are removed from the registry, a copy is made to a backup file. If you believe that one of these removed entries is hurting the operation of an application, you can then restore one or all of the removed entries using the Restore function
- Why do I need RegistryWizard™?
The Windows Registry is a database repository for information about a computer's configuration. Every time a new application is installed or a setting is change within Windows, entries are added to the registry. The registry gradually becomes cluttered and fragmented with these entries, which can degrade the performance of the whole system and cause unusual problems. RegistryWizard™ will fix those problems and optimize the performance of your computer.
- I've purchased RegistryWizard™, but I still cannot use all of its features. Why?
Run RegistryWizard™, click on the REGISTER NOW box at the top of the program window, and then enter the License Name and License Key that you were given when you joined.
- Can RegistryWizard™ run automatically when I start my computer?
Yes. When you start RegistryWizard™, click on the Settings button. In the Automatic
Settings section, you can then set it to Disabled, Scan and Repair, or Monitor. The Scan
and Repair setting will set the RegistryWizard™ to automatically run the Scan and Repair
function when you start your computer. The Monitor function will load RegistryWizard™
and it will monitor and alert you to any changes in the registry.
- Why are file/path references not selected to be repaired by default?
During the scanning process RegistryWizard™ will interrogate all File/Path References and often will identify many problems if the registry has not been optimized before. After scanning completes a Scan Results page is presented showing the number of problems found. All problems that are safe to remove are automatically checked, but the File/Path References check box is not enabled. This is to give the user the opportunity to decide whether they wish to have all problems, or just those they choose to be repaired. In rare instances the removal of a reference may cause an issue with an application, this typically only occurs if an application is not used for long periods of time. RegistryWizard™ will identify any File/Path references made by this program in the registry as being obsolete. In any case RegistryWizard™ always saves a snapshot before making any changes, so that restoring data back to the registry is quick and easy. To include all of the File/Path problems found in the Repair process, simply click on the checkbox next to the heading on the Scan Results screen and then click on Repair.
- What is the Organize Registry function and why do I need it?
When information is removed from the registry, just like as if it was a file system,
some empty space is left between data portions. This empty space leads to poor performance
because the system and applications need to browse through wasted space in search for
data. That is why the registry not only has to be cleaned, but also compacted.
The Organize Registry function compacts the registry and improves system performance
by removing the gaps between entries.
- Do I really need to clean my Registry?
Yes, you do. If registry problems are not corrected, your system may soon start experiencing serious problems. After cleaning your registry, you will discover that your system performance will be greatly improved.
- How do I know if I need RegistryWizard™?
Some common reasons that someone would need to use RegistryWizard™ are:
- You are a PC user that installs and uninstalls programs frequently.
- You have drivers on your system that are no longer used.
- You delete programs instead of uninstalling them.
- You may have 3rd party programs that load on each boot.
Whenever you uninstall software, it is highly probable that remnants of the software are
still resident on your hard drive. RegistryWizard™ can remove those remnants and allow the
system to run more efficiently.
- What's the difference between RegClean and RegistryWizard™?
Even with its benefits and free download distribution, RegClean isn't without
its disadvantages. RegClean is not compatible with all Microsoft products, third
party software programs, spyware components, drivers, preferences, and hardware entries.
RegClean does not have the ability to fix a registry that has been corrupted.
It is highly possible that RegClean will not be able to repair a system plagued
with a number of registry problems.
RegistryWizard™ Features Include:
- Repairing invalid registry entries that are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages.
- Optimization of your computer's speed and performance.
- Scanning your hard drive for invalid and incorrect program shortcuts.
- Safely making backups of any registry change made by RegistryWizard™ which you can quickly restore if needed.
- User-friendly and easy to use with many automated tasks.
- Compatibility with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8.
- How do I download RegistryWizard™?
- When I try to run Registry Wizard I get this message: Application Has Failed to Start Because Framedyn.dll Was Not Found.How do I fix this?
- When I try to do a repair with RegistryWizard™ I get a message "A restore point could not be created [1058]" how do I fix this?
This error is caused because the Windows System restore service is not running. You need to turn on the Windows System Restore service in order to fix this problem. Follow the steps below to turn on the System Restore Service.
Windows XP:
1. Right Click on My Computer and select Manage.
2. Click on the + sign next to Services and Applications to expand the view.
3. Click on services, this will display as list of all the system services currently installed in the right pane.
4. Scroll through the services list and locate the System Restore Service. You will be able to see the status of the System Restore service as well as the startup type.
5. We now want to change the startup type to Automatic and also start the System Restore Service. To do this, right click on the System Restore Service and select properties.
6. Click on the Startup type dropdown box triangle and select Automatic. Then click Apply.
7. Now Click on Start under Service Status. The system status should now display Started.
8. Click ok to close the System Restore Service Properties window.
9. Under the Computer Management window you should now see that the Status for the System Restore Service is listed as Started and the Startup is listed as Automatic. If this is true you can close the Computer Management window.
If after Step 7 you get the following error message proceed Step 7A:
The System Restore Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service.
7A. Click the OK button the Services error dialog to close it. Minimize the Computer Management window. Then right click on My Computer and select Properties.
8A. Click on the System Restore tab and then uncheck Turn off System Restore and click Apply. Now click OK to close the System Properties window.
9A. The System Restore Service Properties window should still be open on top of your desktop. The Service status should now say started. If it does follow steps 8-9 again, if it doesn't follow steps 7-9 again.
Windows Vista:
1. Right Click on Computer and select Properties.
2. Click on System Protection.
3. Under the Automatic restore points section of the System Protection tab, click on the check box next to the appropriate drive containing the your Vista installation. Then click Apply.
4. Click on the OK button to close the System Properties Window.
5. Close the System window. The System Restore Service should now be running.
- I can't get RegistryWizard™ to install or run on Windows Vista, or I get error message 740, the program requires elevation. What's wrong?
In order to install RegistryWizard™ in Windows Vista the program must be run in administrative mode. To achieve this make sure that your user account has administrative privileges and right click on the file and select "Run as Administrator."
- I have run the Scan and Repair, Optimize, and Organize functions of RegistryWizard™ but I still receive a Low PC Health status. How do I make my PC Health Status change to good?
Good health requires the following things:
- last scan done within a week (and most errors repaired), and
- Registry organized within 3 months
- backup of Registry done within 1 month
Please make sure these things apply to your system. To do a backup of the Registry please click on the "Settings" button. Look for a section called "Full Registry Backup", click on the "Backup Registry" button. This will create a backup of the registry in C:\WINDOWS\system32\RegistryWizard.
- The license information you sent me for RegistryWizard™ is invalid. What can I do? Do I need a new License Key?
In most cases you may have made a single typing mistake that is very easy to miss. Please copy and paste you license name and number directly from your confirmation email to avoid any possible typing mistakes. Also, please make sure that there are no extra spaces before or after the license name and number. If you still have problems after using this method, please contact Technical Support at so they can verify the license information for you.
- Can I make a full backup of my registry with RegistryWizard™? How do I do it?
To do a backup of the Registry please click on the "Settings" button. Look for a section called "Full Registry Backup", click on the "Backup Registry" button. This will create a backup of the registry in C:\WINDOWS\system32\RegistryWizard. These files can be copied to another drive or placed on CD in case you should need to restore the registry in the future. This backup can then be restored using Windows Recovery Console or another bootable utility that can write to the NTFS file system.
- RegistryWizard™ no longer scans my system when I click on the "Scan" button. What happened?
This happen when the Custom Scan setting of RegistryWizard™ must has been modified. Please Open RegistryWizard™ and click on "Settings". Then click on the open "Custom Scan" tab. Please check the box that says check / uncheck all. This should reselect all categories registry to be scanned. RegistryWizard™ should now work like normal.
- What are the system requirements for RegistryWizard™?
RegistryWizard™ is compatible with Windows 8 (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Windows 7 (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Windows Vista (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Windows XP (32-Bit and 64-Bit) and Windows 2000. At this time RegistryWizard™ is not compatible with other operating systems.
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